
Sailor Neptune:

Name: Meioh Nerissa
Birthday: March 10
Astrological sign: Cancer
Blood type: K
Favorite color: dark red
Hobby: being cold harted
Favorite food: raw fish *eluw
Least favorite food: 'shrooms *bleck fungus*
Favorite subject: pole vaulting
Worst subject: art
Has trouble with: urchins
Strong point: being mean
Dream: to marry a guy
Gemstone: lapiz

Michiry is mean and stuph and so cold! and I think she ISN"T gay and stuph like that, you know why? ;''cause she's STRAIGHt, She is I know it! Why? because 'ruka is gay, but he never liked Michelle. I mean think about it, how can a mean cold girl likeNerissa like a guy like Alex. Amara is NOT a gir. I dpon't care what you sey she is not a grl. Aren't Michelle and Haruka related or spmetihng? So there they can't be gay, besides i know that Alex in a previous life was a Prince. i know 'cause I sae it on SOS. I know it! i just do, so don'pt fire me or whatEhVR

But I don'tr hate Michi--chan as much as Raei. Raeib is just mEEEEEEEEEEEEESAAaszN. Or that little pnik hair brat namesd Celetse.. or is iut reenee? I don'pon't care you know why? because they are both BAYYYYKKKKKKKKEEEaaasaaaa"S. You know why they are beka's because they are! U should NO Thar!

Sailor Neptune is in the background doing Sea illsion.