Luna-P, mangaLuna-P, manga

Name Information | Guardian Information | Living Accommodations
In the Real World | Personality & Fandom

Name Information
Japanese Name:

Japanese Name Characters:
Luna P

Japanese Name Pronounced:
rloo-nah Pee

Japanese Name Definition:

Japanese Nicknames:

North American Names:
Mixx - Luna-P
DiC - Luna-P
CWI - Luna-P
Irwin - Luna-P
Fans - N/A

North American Nicknames:
Luna Ball, Luna Sphere

Names in Other Countries:

Guardian Information
Guardian Of:

Planet Association:

Floating Cat-ball toy

? (possibly Earth or the Time Gates?!)

Primary Responsibilities:
To watch over Chibiusa and provide basic protection. Luna-P also acts as a communication device between Sailor Pluto and Chibiusa.

Living Accommodations
Manga and Anime: Unknown

Manga and Anime: In the present, Luna-P lives in the Tuskino Residence with Chibiusa. In the future Luna-P lives in the Crystal Palace in Crystal Tokyo with Chibiusa.

In the Real World
Anime Original Character Designer:

Manga Appearance:
Japanese: Volume 4, Act 13, Page 48
Re-release: ?
Mixx: Volume 4, Act 13, Page ?

Anime Episode Number and Name Appearance:
Episode 60, "Tenshi? Akuma? Sora kara Kita Nazo Shoujo" [An Angel? A Devil? Mysterious Girl From the Sky]
NA Dub: Episode 54, "Serena Times Two"

character Fanlisting: N/A

Personality and Fandom
Takeuchi Naoko's Notes:
  • (Something like a rubber ball that often bounces.)
  • The color is the same as Luna's.
  • (Chibiusa's toy that has the role of guardian.)
  • History:

    The Black Moon arc of the Manga:

    The Infinity arc of the Manga:
    Despite being broken by Black Lady in the previous arc, Luna-P returns. Chibiusa seems to have developed some and doesn't need the toy as a protection blanket anymore, but she does ask for help and Luna-P transforms into the Second Chibimoon Rod, allowing her to perform "Pink Sugar Heart Attack!"






    Why She is So Cool!:

    My Tribute Poem to this Magnificent Character: