This was a long project that Hitsuji-chan finally completed and had up by Takeuchi-sensei's birthday in 2008. The main idea was to take the Characters of Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon and place them, in a way that makes sense, within the tarot deck. Here are notes on the methodology of each suit.
Artist Description: I colored it, and got a rose in the center out of pure coincidence, so I colored that red.
Materials Used: -Materials Collection Border & Materials Collection Name Plate.
The Major Arcana are also known as the "trumps" of the deck. They contain the most importance during a divination with Tarot and are sometimes called Atu. When a Major Arcana card is laid out, attention must be paid to that card in particular. Meanings are entirely up to the person interpreting the images on the cards- but common interpretations are listed on the page with the cards.
Artist Description: I basically re-colored the border using Adobe Photoshop. It was a pain to do because I tried to vector it instead.
Materials Used: Artbook Liner Note Page.
Also Called: Sometimes called by a straight stiff object, like a crystal.
Past Element: Fire
Modern Element: Air
Class Position: Royalty
Part of the Body: Mind
Modern Suit: Diamond
Typically, this suit represents the mind and the cutting force of intellect which often results in strife. It is a suit that typically represents men or a more masculine view. It is the suit of 'thinking'.
Artist Description: I basically re-colored the border using Adobe Photoshop. It was a pain to do because I tried to vector it instead.
Materials Used: Artbook Liner Note Page
Also Called: This rarely has a second name also.
Past Element: Water
Modern Element: Water
Class Position: Clergy
Part of the Body: Soul
Modern Suit: Hearts
This suit represents the internal world and emotions. It is a suit of the soul and 'feeling'. It also typically is associated with women and a more female perspective.
Senshi Form
Artist Description: I basically re-colored the border using Adobe Photoshop. I was a pain to do because I tried to vector it instead.
Materials Used: Artbook Liner Note Page
Also Called: This can range from Disk, Pentacles, Dish, to just about any circle object, however the most archaic is coins and dishes.
Past Element: Earth
Modern Element: Earth
Class Position: Merchants
Part of the Body: Body
Modern Suit: Diamonds
This suit represents mundane and worldly matters. It is often associated with physical possessions and finances. It is the suit of 'being'.
Artist Description: I basically re-colored the border using Adobe Photoshop. It was a pain to do because I tried to vector it instead.
Materials Used: Artbook Liner Note Page
Also Called: Also Called Staffs or Rods. Made of Wood.
Past Element: Air
Modern Element: Fire
Class Position: Peasants
Part of the Body: Heart
Modern Suit: Spades
This suit represents action, power and creative impulse. It is the suit of "doing".
2. I used both the net and the following book for meanings. It is a far cry from the original book and is only a bare summary, please by the book to get more information. It will greatly help in reading the cards.
3. Hollander, P. Scott: Tarot for Beginners. St. Paul, Llewellyn Publications, 1966.