Human born from:
Tetsurou Yoshinogawa, a television chef.
Name information:
Sailor Chef is taken from his profession as a chef with his own cooking show.
Anima-mate Who Created:
Sailor Iron Mouse
(Cut with Kitchen Tools)
No words are used specifically except one attack which was interrupted ('cut in three equal pieces!') but he attacks using his many deadly kitchen tools and equipment. He also tricks Sailormoon into holding off his healing by tempting her with chocolate cake [which of course, Usagi eats... ^_^]
Unshou Ishizuka
Anime Episode Number and Name Appearance:
Japanese: Episode 179, Teki? Mikata? Star Lights to Sailor Senshi [The enemy? An ally? The Star Lights and the Sailor Senshi]
How They Were Healed: Sailormoon's "Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss!" attack.
Reaction Words to Attack: "Beautiful!"