Human born from:
Noriko Okamachi, a popular tv idol.
Name information:
Sailor Ojou is taken from the Japanese word [ojou] which means proper, respectable ladies. (VKLL called her "Sailor Mademoiselle") this is ironic because though she starts off in a nice red dress, she pulls it off to fight in a revealing blue number with thigh-high tights.
Anima-mate Who Created:
Sailor Iron Mouse
(Whip Attack)
No words are used specifically, but she does attack with a whip. (A little dominatrix, ne?)
Yumi Takada
Anime Episode Number and Name Appearance:
Japanese: Episode 178, Luna ha Mita!? Idol Yaten no Sugao [Luna Saw It!? Idol Yaten's Real Face]
How They Were Healed: Sailormoon's "Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss!" attack.
Reaction Words to Attack: "Beautiful de gozaimasu!" (which is extremely polite Japanese)