Sailor Astarte
Shiva Shingetsu Sailor Astarte

Name Information
Transformed Name:
Sailor Astarte

Transformed Name Characters:

Transformed Name Pronounced:

Japanese Name:
Shiva Shingetsu [alternate romaji: Shiba Shingetsu]

Japanese Name Characters:

Japanese Name Pronounced:
She-bah Shin-geh-tuh-su

Japanese Name Definition

Shiba: Firewood; Shingetsu: New Moon

Japanese Nicknames:

Sailor Information
Moon Astarte (?); she says she is the tenth Sailor Senshi from the other side of the sun


Image Color:
Rust Red/Gold & Bronze

Transformation Words:
"Moon Astarte-"
This was never completely said, but we do know this is how it starts out. She is struck down by Death Vulcan.

Solomon Jihad!
This attacks the enemy with a beam.

Solomon Birth!
This revived the Sailor Senshi

Personal Information
Beginning Age:
Probably 15-16 (she is in Usagi's class)

End Age:

Current Age:

Estimated Height:

Blood Type:

Likes and Dislikes
Favorite Food:

Least Favorite Food:

Strong Point:

Schooling and Living Accommodations
She mentions a mother who is part Pheonician, but otherwise we don't know anything about her family.

Transferred to Japan from Transylvania, but residence is unknown.

In the Real World
Musicals Acted By:
Aya Hosoda [2000-2001]

Character Fanlisting: N/A

Personality and Fandom

Transylvania no Mori:

Transylvania no Mori Kaiteiban:


Why She is So Cool!:
Perhaps the littlest known Sailor Senshi of them all, she's completely mysterious.

My Tribute Poem to this Magnificent Character: