Sailor Kakyuu
Princess Kakyuu, mangaPrincess Kakyuu, animePrincess Kakyuu, musicals Sailor Kakyuu, manga

Name Information | Sailor Information | Personal Information
Living Accommodations | In the Real World | Personality & Fandom

Name Information
Transformed Name:
Sailor Kakyuu
Princess Kakyuu

Transformed Name Characters:

Transformed Name Pronounced:

Japanese Name Characters:

Japanese Name Pronounced:

Japanese Name Definition: Fire Globe/ Sphere

Japanese Nicknames:

North American Names:
Mixx - Princess Kakyu
meaning - Fire; Sphere/Globe

North American Nicknames:

Names in Other Countries:

Sailor Information


Manga Title:

Castle / Palace / Kingdom:
Red Ceris Kingdom [manga only]

Image Gemstone:

Image Color:

Transformation Words:


Kinmoku Star Power! Make Up!
Japanese: Volume 18, Act 49, Page 36
Re-release: ?
Mixx: Stars Volume 3, Act 7, Page 38





Starlights Royal Straight Flush!
Japanese: Volume 18, Act 49, Page 38
Re-Release: ?
Mixx: Stars Volume 3, Act 7, Page 40

Kinmoku Fusion Tempest!
Japanese: Volume 18, Act 49, Page 39
Re-Release: ?
Mixx: Stars Volume 3, Act 7, Page 41



Special Powers





Personal Information
Date of Birth:

Beginning Age:
? (Appears about 20?)

End Age:
? (Appears about 20?)

Current Age:
? (23?) [As calculated from fan book b-dates]

Estimated Height:
? [Estimated from fan books]

Living Accommodations
Manga: She mentioned a Prince, but they never got married, so that may not count.
Anime: ?

Manga and Anime: In an incense burner for most of the series which was carried by Chibichibi who lived in the Tsukino residence.

In the Real World
Anime Original Character Designer:
Itoh Ikuko

Tamagawa Sakiko

English Voice Actor:

Musical Acting By:
Yoshioka Sakoto [1997 - 1998]; Toyama Ai [2004]

Manga Appearance:
Japanese: Volume 16, Act 44, Page 60
Re-release: ???
Mixx: Stars Volume 1, Act 2, Page 60

Anime Episode Number and Name Appearance:
Japanese: Episode 193, "Ubawareta Ginzuishou! Kakyuu Princess Shutsugen" [The Silver Crystal is Stolen! Princess Kakyuu Appears]
NA Dub: N/A

Character Fanlisting: Fusion Tempest

Personality and Fandom
Takeuchi Naoko's Notes:
  • Fragrant Olive Flower Ornaments
  • Fragrant Olive Hair Pins.
  • The costume material is silk.
  • Hair length when the right and left are tied together.
  • Kakyuu's incense burner.
  • The sleeves and skirt are made of transparent material.
  • History:

    The Stars Manga (for convenience sake)
    We know very little about her. But when I see her and look at her eyes she seems always a bit sad inside. It is like she can't take the pain anymore, even though she knows that to die would to let her enemy win. Her history is that she met the Starlights on her home planet, she had her own Prince who was killed in the battle, she fled to Earth, but was weak from the battle. Chibichibi discovered her and she was put into an incense burner to recover. (Which is another pun on her name which translates roughly to olive scent) (Doesn't that make the Starlights search seem a little useless?) She is the one that gave the majority of the info on what and who the Sailor Senshi are, and their purpose. She also had her head mostly on straight unlike Usagi who still felt dazed at the loss of Mamoru in front of her eyes. (BTW, stop here if you don't want gross spoilers)
    She found Sailor Moon and they decided to hit Galaxia at home, but when she saw the Starlights die she couldn't stand it anymore! She used 2 attacks in a row against the enemy and then killed one, but then was impaled by a staff. Her last request: Let her be reborn with everyone else.

    She appears and is compared to Usagi, only to die at the hands of Galaxia protecting everyone else. She doesn't transform at all in the anime. Her characterization is the same, though she doesn't explain about the Sailor Senshi as much, and therefore doesn't seem to have the same awareness that you see in the manga. Her background history is near to almost dropped. There is almost nothing about her planet, and no Prince.


    In the manga she seems to be a person who has lived through tragedy, but is not willing to give up the fight. She has tenacity and a heart that care very much. She transformed and believed in the power of the Sailor Senshi. She believed when Sailor Moon lost faith. She also served the function of explaining what the true essence of the Sailor Senshi were. The combination of tenacity and faith made her an important character in the last part of Sailor Moon.


    NA Dub

    Why She is So Cool!:
    She is a character who never gives up, despite having real hardships. And, like Sailormoon, she also fights despite being a central princess!

    My Tribute Poem to this Magnificent Character:
    Sweet scent allures
    We awaited your highness
    You grieved when your protectors fell
    Searching for you so hard
    Using an incense burner to recover
    Last wish you begged
    "Please let us be reborn"
    Yet in the anime you were not a sailor
    Grave mistake
    Galaxia killed you, anime
    a painful pole went through your back, manga
    Your Prince died
    A sad tale for a Fireball
    Princess, Princess
    Sweet one
    Sailor Kakyuu