Parallel Sailormoon
Kousagi Parallel Sailormoon

Name Information | Sailor Information | Personal Information
Likes & Dislikes | Living Accommodations | Personality & Fandom

Name Information
Transformed Name:
Parallel Sailormoon

Transformed Name Characters:
parareru sera mun

Transformed Name Pronounced:

Japanese Name:
Tsukino Kousagi

Japanese Name Characters:
tsukino kousagi

Japanese Name Pronounced:
Tus-kee-noh Koh-oo-sah-gee (hard G)

Japanese Name Definition: Bunny/Small Rabbit of the moon
NohDomestic; field; civilian life/ of [note: note: the kana: no is not used in their names ever, but it is intended as a pun; loosely meaning they were in the sky and now they are on Earth. They are of the earth. They have been domesticated.]
KousagiBunny/Small Rabbit

Japanese Nicknames:

Sailor Information
The Moon


Manga Title:

Castle / Palace / Kingdom:

Image Gemstone:

Image Color:
[Dark Pink of Silver?, like materials collection inner cover]

Transformation Words:

Parallel Moon Power! Make Up!
Japanese: Materials Collection Page 134
Re-release: Short Story Collection 2 [ed: Volume 12], Parallel Sailor Moon, Page ?
Mixx: N/A


Nekochan Nekochan Dekai Ooyamaneko Ni Nare!
[Kittycat Kittycat become a Mountain Cat!]
Japanese: Materials Collection Page 134
Re-Release: Short Story Collection 2 [ed: Volume 12], Parallel Sailormoon, Page ?
Mixx: N/A

Special Powers



Personal Information
Beginning Age:
7-8 [more likely 8 because it's summer in the Materials Collection]

End Age:
7-8 [more likely 8 because it's summer in the Materials Collection]

Current Age:
8-9 [more likely 9 because it's summer in the Materials Collection]

Estimated Height:
Not possible to calculate [Estimated from fan books]

Blood Type:
N/A [Guess: O]

Likes and Dislikes

Favorite Food: Sweets, anything... literally anything.

Least Favorite Food: It was said she'd eat anything.

Favorite Color: ?

Favorite Flower: ?

Favorite Animal: [Uhh... I guess if it's edible?]

Favorite Subject: ?

Worst Subject: ?

Strong Point: ? [Best Guess: Eating]

Has trouble with: Cats

Hobbies: Eating, Watching Rabbits

Living Accommodations
Manga: Mother (Tsukino Usagi), and father (Mamoru indicated w/picture), sister (Chibiusa) because it's mentioned she is the second daughter of Tsukino Usagi.

Manga: With her parents, it isn't told where.

Personality and Fandom

She is often nicknamed "Chibi" which is definitely very different from Chibichibi. Don't confuse the two. She's not called that by her friends so much as her sister and her Sailor Team's parents. (The original Sailor Team.) She doesn't have her own Prince and is called Kousagi.
Her father is Mamoru (this I have proof of and some people are sloppy and make it someone else), her mother is of course Usagi, and neither of her parents do anything. It seems that she comes from the future with the rest of the Sailor Senshi on the Parallel Sailor Team. In no way in the time line if the story takes place in 1999 could she and Chibiusa both be born, or even one of them.

There is no indication that Usagi is working at all, and we don't know what came of Mamoru and his dream to be a doctor. All we know is that he told Kousagi that she is rare in the fact that she's such a flake and has a stomach like no other!

She is in 4th grade with the other children of the Senshi from the Inner Solar System and goes to Michiru's, Haruka's and Setsuna's cooking class.

See the fact that she's different from the other moon-based characters. She has two Chibiusa buns on each side (they are NOT hearts.. take this from an odangologist) and ponytail is sort of wavy/ curly.. it's sort of hard to tell. There is one on each side. Look at the pic for reference!

Kousagi is energetic, very naive, and more Rabbit than any other Rabbit-like character in Sailormoon. She is not too bright and can be easily tricked. She always looses somehow with Rock, Paper, scissors. (That's because she tends to pick scissors.. [They do look like a rabbit]) She also has an appetite that is very rare. She'll eat anything. She constantly has food falling from her and she is almost always eating something. She is a bit chubby too. The only thing she can't stand is cats.. they give her goosebumps thinking about them, despite Luna, Artemis, and Diana. Just a note, but she has lavender hair.. ^^;; just in case you were wondering (like Ruruna's hair)

Why She is So Cool!:
I like someone who appreciates their food. Me being somewhat of a chef, and also me being someone that loves eating, I can appreciate this character. Besides, I want to do a rabbit shrine, what better character to love than a character that is modeled after a rabbit? Sure she's a bit chubby, and a bit eager to please, but I think that's what makes her charm. Though, personally I like cats and I don't ever remember eating rabbit...

My Tribute Poem to this Magnificent Character:
Tsukino Kousagi
You're so cute
You're the best
Mamo-chan your father, Usagi-chan your mother
You'd eat Rabbit?
Try rabbit stew?
Doesn't that mean you're eating you?
Whine and cry
Stomach like a fire extinguisher
Putting food in to the pit
Fans know very little about you
Yet cute double Chibiusa Odango
more rabbity than anyone
Have courage have faith
You'll get your cake!
You're so sweet
How can you lose?
Own pink guardian cat
(though you're afraid of her)
I gotta love you!
Parallel Sailormoon