Parallel Sailor Mercury
AmiParallel Sailor Mercury

Name Information | Sailor Information | Personal Information
Likes & Dislikes | Living Accommodations | In the Real World | Personality & Fandom

Name Information
Transformed Name:
Parallel Sailor mercury

Transformed Name Characters:
parareru seramekyuri

Transformed Name Pronounced:
pa-rah-reh-r seh-rah-meh-coo-ree

Japanese Name:
Mizuno Ami

Japanese Name Characters:
Mizuno Ami

Japanese Name Pronounced:
Mee-zoo-noh Ah-mee

Japanese Name Definition: Asian/Second Beauty of Water
NohDomestic; field; civilian life/ of [note: note: the kana: no is not used in their names ever, but it is intended as a pun; loosely meaning they were in the sky and now they are on Earth. They are of the earth. They have been domesticated.]
AmiDerivative of Ami [meaning Asian beauty; ranking next beauty, come after beauty]

Japanese Nicknames:
Everyone: N/A

Sailor Information

Water (cold)

Manga Title:

Castle / Palace / Kingdom:

Image Gemstone:

Image Color:

Transformation Words:


(Parallel Mercury Transforms)
Japanese: Materials Collection Page 135
Re-release: ???



Special Powers


Personal Information
Beginning Age:
7-8 [most likely 8 because it takes place in Summer]

End Age:
7-8 [most likely 8 because it takes place in Summer]

Current Age:
8-9 [most likely 9 because it takes place in summer]

Estimated Height:
Not possible to calculate [Estimated from fan books]

Blood Type:
N/A [best guess is A]

Likes and Dislikes
Worst Subject:
Writing [her Mom said she works on the computer too much]

Has Trouble With:
? [possibly Kousagi]

Living Accommodations
Materials Collection: Mother (Mizuno Ami) and father (no name mentioned)

Unsure as to where, probably in an apartment (not a condo) is the best guess.

In the Real World
Materials Collection Appearance:

Volume 12, Parallel Sailormoon, Page ?

Personality and Fandom

She appeared only for Parallel Sailormoon in the back of the Materials Collection, but if you look at her you can see the resemblance to her mother. She wears glasses all the time except when she is Parallel Sailormercury. I'm going to distinguish between the two Ami's with Ami-sama for the elder, and Ami-chan for the younger. ^_^

Her history is basically like this: Her mother is Mizuno Ami, who kept her maiden name. Her mother and father are poor doctors. Ami-chan goes to school with the other girls her age too. (Michiru, Haruka and Setsuna run a cooking school) She's still young and in 4th grade. In physical appearance you can't really tell the difference between her and her mother. But her name is spelled differently. Where Ami-sama's name is spelled in kanji, Ami-chan's name is spelled in hiragana. Also you never have the chance to see Ami-sama as young as Ami-chan in the style Takeuchi-sensei used in the years 1999-2000. So the only way you can tell is by the age and the style they are drawn in.

Note: If you call her Chibiami, I'll punish you in the name of Mercury, and calculate with my computer how to hit you with the planet Mercury. ^.~ After all I just explained her name is spelled different from her mother!


Ami-chan is said to have poor hand writing from working on the computer so much. So she should be considered a bit less meticulous than her mother, which does make her different than her mother. She is just as factual as Ami-sama, other than that I couldn't make much of a profile on her. She does seem to dislike Kousagi like the others, and doesn't understand the "Sailors Muscle meeting" that her mother and the others go to. But that's all we have on her.

Why She is So Cool!:
I rather like that she has a flaw in her academic ability.. she seems more rounded and down to earth that way, unlike Ami-sama can come off as. Also I feel a bit better because my hand writing is decent, even when it comes to calligraphy, etc. ^_^

My Tribute Poem to this Magnificent Character:
Mizuno Ami
Your name is in hiragana
What would your mother say
To find your writing so poor
working on the computer all day
Calculating and going to school
You love books
Wearing glasses constantly
Chiding Kousagi endlessly
Are you wise
Parallel Sailormercury