Cover, spine, cover-flaps, and pull-out poster:

[No Poster for Volume 2]
Date Published: 1992
Containing Acts: 6 - 9
Important Story Moments:
Act 6, 'Tuxedo Kamen - Tuxedo Mask'
Sailormoon first uses 'Moon Healing Escalation!’ [p. 41]
Sailormoon receives (while unconscious) Mamoru's watch [p. 43]
Usagi wakes up at Mamoru's apartment [p. 44]
Act 7, 'Chiba Mamoru - Tuxedo Mask'
Usagi realizes that Mamoru is Tuxedo Kamen [p. 49-51].
Mamoru explains his past and his reasons for searching for the ginzuishou [p. 53-55].
First appearance of Queen Metallia [p. 64]
The senshi ponder and research the possibility of Sailor V being their princess [p. 72].
Sailor V uses her crescent boomerang [p. 88].
Zoisite dies [p. 88].
First appearance of Sailor Venus (without goggles) [p. 89].
First appearance of Artemis [p. 89].
Act 8, 'Minako - Sailor V'
Moon receives the third tiara [p. 98].
Sailor Venus tells the senshi she is their princess [p. 101].
First appearance of Aino Minako [p. 103]
Tuxedo Kamen blocks an attack by Kunzite that was aimed at Sailormoon [p. 136-137].
Act 9, 'Serenity - Princess'
First appearance of Princess Serenity [p. 140].
First appearance of Prince Endymion [p. 141].
Moon receives the crescent mark in lieu of a new tiara; Sailor Venus loses her crescent mark in favor of a tiara [p. 143].
The story of the Moon Kingdom is first glimpsed [p. 148-152]
The ginzuishou is formed from Princess Serenity's tears [p. 154]
The Shittenou's back-story is revealed [p. 159-162]
Kunzite takes Tuxedo Kamen to the Dark Kingdom with him [p. 164]
A trip to the moon is planned [p. 182].