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Kuroki Mio
Japanese Name Characters:
Japanese Name Pronounced:
Koo-roh-ki (barely pronounce the i in 'ki') Mee-oh
Japanese Alias:
None needed
North American Names:
Fans - ?
Names in Other Countries:
A shadow of Queen Beryl, she is (presumably) created with some of Queen Metallia's dark energy. Mio is revived in the Special Act and revealed to be a large plant-like monster.
She works for the Dark Kingdom and helps spy on Usagi and Mamoru for Queen Beryl.
To prevent Mamoru from returning to Usagi (or the Princess), to rule the world.
Color Associations:
Black, Hot Pink
Special Powers:
She has the ability to create Youma in the Special Act.
13-14 (A Jr. High Student in Usagi's class)
Estimated Height:
5'3" [160 cm] (Alisa Durbrow, the actress who plays Mio is this height)
Singing, Modeling. Mio is a Japanese idol.
Has Trouble With:
Tsukino Usagi
Special Strengths:
Being saccharine-sweet, tormenting Usagi without Usagi's knowledge, singing, modeling, volleyball
The Sailor Senshi (especially Usagi/Sailormoon), Aino Minako (as an idol and rival)
Manga and Anime: In the Dark Kingdom. In the Special Act she uses Dark Energy to create a palace out of an abandoned amusement park.
Durbrow Alisa
Musical Acting By:
PGSM Episode Number:
Act 29
Killed By/Healed By in PGSM: Endymion/Metallia (in the regular series); Sailors Moon, Mercury, Venus, Luna, and Jupiter (in the Special Act)
How They Were Killed/Healed: In the regular series, she's killed when Endymion/Metallia blasts her seemingly out of existence.
In the Special Act, the senshi defeat her with 'Sailor Planet Attack!'
Character Fanlisting: A Wicked Smile
Also Happens to Look Like:
Queen Beryl (? Sort of...)
Takeuchi Naoko's Notes:
Kuroki Mio is your typical jr high school girl... except much more evil. She is very ambitious and free-spirited, and uses any means to reach her end. She is very devious and convinces Usagi she is her friend and then uses her closeness to make Usagi's life a living hell.
Why They Were So Evil!:
Mio was made out of evil energy (even as a flower she looked similar to the black flowers Queen Beryl imbued with evil energy in the series). What else could she be but evil?
My Tribute Poem to this Malicious Character: