Dango FAQ

I must admit I never thought I'd be doing a FAQ on this. Who would? OK lets start this thing. Ok and a note some of the questions I have here aren't real and are to prevent stupid questions from being e-mailed to me.

What are Dango?
I'll assume that you know nothing and start from the top. Dango (also know as odango) are a food, most accurately a dumpling made out of sticky sweet rice. They are usually served at festivals and at tea ceremonies. They are sometimes filled with things such as sweet bean paste and are often dipped in soysauce, or some other kind of sauce. (anything you desire.)
Takeuchi-sensei must have heard the version of the rabbit story where the rabbits pound moichi to make dango on the moon and decided to call the new hair style in the manga dango. This was thus crowned dango-atama in the first act of Sailor Moon by Mamoru, though they were called dango by Usagi FIRST. This eventually carried over into the anime and then quickly became one of the trademarks of Sailor Moon.

Why did you decide to do this shrine?
Actually you really don't want to know this.. Renee might get mad at me.. ^^;;. I actually got frustrated at waiting for an answer from her and SOS for a number of months, and I decided to show them that it could be done. By the second day I'd had come up with all possiblitities of the hair style that could be done and discounted a few here and there on the basis of the information in the anime. If you want a bit of a more nolstalgic answer here: Dango are a lot of fun to study. It this wonder of a hair style and food. I give it to you because I am an advid fan of studying them. (I really love watching the ponytail part on Usagi's grow and shrink.) Also I'm fond of eating and making food. This is the first item that I know you can both wear a style called it and eat them. I guess buns count too.. but those aren't as good, ne? and besides it's not in a popular animated series called Sailor Moon. One last note the Almighty is refering to the dango, not the shrine. ^_^ I'm not self-centered.

How did you come up with the idea for doing dango like that?
A weird spacial sense, a pencil, a paper, and a doll.. I tried it out on the doll after I'd come up with the concept. Then I tried it out on a human and was pleased. I didn't have enough hair to do it myself. Nothing special really, I just thought how someone could do a cone.

When are you going to update your shrine/site?
I'm human. I think I am last I checked. I don't have all the time in the world, and considering I do have a whole domain to maintain another domain I'm working on, (i.e. there's more to this site than you think. This is part of Celestial Luminary which is part of Takeuchi-Naoko.com.) I can't work on this part 24-7 and do everything you people want instantly. Not all of the pages are done 'cause it takes one to two days to get them done (i.e. literally 24 hrs.) I'll try my best to do as you request.. but I do have some sort of life.. at least last time I checked.

What are you like/ what do you look like?
*Ahhem* when did looks really matter? I won't and refuse to post my pic, the most you'll get is a drawn picture of me in Kin Yoni's House and Sailor and Princess Ud... beyond that. I'm either assuming your a pervert trying to find a girl to sucker, or very hung up on looks. (though I don't know if it's my face your occupied with... ^.-)
The photos in the picture part are a courtesy to Renee Scofield. The faces are blurred for a reason, and most of them are labeled with nicks, so you have no idea which one is me..don't ask which one is. I won't answer you if you do.

What is Shiratamako?
I found out! Yay! OK.. the idiot I am it is sweet rice flour. Basically. The sweet rice flour is made of a special kind of rice called sweet rice. Though I tried long and hard I haven't been able to find a way to make a substitute, so you'll just have to go to an asain grocery store or get it over the net (I don't know any links as of yet) or a large supermarket. (Gomen nasai, I really did try...) There's no sugar involved at all.

I think Renee's way sucks your way is best/ Renee's way rules, go away!
I made up this question, but there were simular comments like it. Basically I do prevention questions too.. I am allowed to do that right? I don't have to wait for another stupid question? I don't like people who just simply give me this kind of thing. I love to hear comments both negative and positive, but not at a cost of a person, their creativity or feelings. If you want to give us feedback, give some reasons why, and if possible some positive with the negative. I would like to hear reasons. If you can't do that, then hold your mouth shut and leave.

I have another method! Can I put it up on your shrine?
Sorry! I can't accept anymore unless it's on your own page. This page needs to be cleared up! So any dango-atama featured on the Other Dango page won't be getting a page on THIS Site, but can be featured on another site, if you have one.

I found another character with dango! Can I put it up on your shrine?
X_X... O_o; Another one? Uhh.. If this keeps up I'll need to get another domain (Hitsuji not rich!).. I can't do ALL of the dango-atama in the world.. I mean consider that there are billions of people and many of them are artists, a large population of those happen to love that style! (SM fans included) While I love dango-atama, and I love the attention it brings to this site, I can't do every single one of them offered.. I would love to.. but I have a life to attend to. (at least I think) So what I'm doing is making a list of ALL the dango-atama you might spot. If you find one that's from a TV show send it in. If you have instructions with that too, I'll link it, but it has to be on your own server space. But before you send one in, check the list first!

Can I link to your shrine?
Of course.. go right ahead. I'm Hitsuji, and all I need is my name up, the name of the section and of course the link. I don't care about much else. Just keep in mind there's more to this site that meets the eye.

How do you do version of such and such?
I won't be taking more questions about this either. It's either up there or it's not. Period end of story. Before you ask read the first FAQ question.

Will you send instructions for..? Will you send version Such and such through e-mail? NO! IIE! NAI! NON! Why? I don't have that kind of time and mail capacity. It's either here or isn't. Live with it.

I'm having trouble with my dango. Will you help me?
Beyond the tips on dango that we provide (Renee and me), the answer is [drum roll] NO! I told you practice. I told you also it was hard. No, I can't go to your house and do them for you. Live with it, tough. If your lazy then see if someone else will do it for you. They will stay in longer if you double cheat for my method. As for Renee's method, don't use hair elastics with the metal things in them or real rubberbands either. The rest is asthetic.

Why didn't you answer my e-mail?
I know when you don't read the e-mail guidelines. If I'm in a good mood I'll send you a cold reply to read them. If I'm in a better mood I'll say you can ask me about other things. But basically I'm getting sick and tired of answering the same questions agains and again when they are either answered right on the page or in this FAQ. If you aren't taking the time to read what I already wrote, why should I bother to take the time to write you more?

Why did you *sniff* get so mad at me *sniff* when I used dangos *sniff*?
Perhaps because I put in yellow type H4 tags in large letters and almost underlined it for you. It kinds resembled this perhaps (without all those tags): There is _NO_ such thing as ODANGO_S_. If you do recognize that print, then there's your answer. I will answer your e-mail but since I've now put it in this FAQ, I will like you less for doing it. Not hard to make sure you don't do that. I even took the time to count it out for you so you would understand. One dango two dango. I even gave a comparison for you. Sheep. I even took the time to say that all Japanese words are like that. I don't like it when people don't bother to read my section and they want an answer. It take less time to read the page than it take to e-mail me (which I've said in my E-mail Guidelines. Those are adorned on the first level of this shrine right next to the e-mail, which if times take less than 3 minutes to read. If I have to I'll link every page to those guidelines. I've put them at every visited level of my site.)

I have layers... and I was wondering if I can do dango.
Yes, you can as long as you shortest layer is the required length. If it's not.. it'll most likely look weird, of course the best way to find the answer to anything is to try it out. So for those who want pictures of me in dango.. well couldn't you try it out yourself. If you can't then what's the point anyhoo. You don't need it for reference..

I'm having BIG trouble with my dango for Chibiusa.. It looks like Usagi's.
1. Did you flatten, did you follow the pictures? If not go back. If you do not know what I mean by flatten here's what I mean: No more twist, no more coil. These are extremely hard but they can be done takes some fiddling.. try it out on a doll first, or someone else who will stay still. Remember that the hair requirement is more than for her than Usagi, which are listed. I only can give you instructions. In this case I tried my best to explain. You have to fiddle with them, and they won't be perfect cones with points. The concept for this is basically like those softie ice cream dispensers. You know how they make that tip.. well your doing the same thing only this time you are wrapping the hair once more only flat. In this case I think photos would be defeating. Do the Usagi dango first, like I said. This gives you practice. (and yes I've had reports that it can be done)

Note: If you don;t have enough hair or barely under it might look like Usagi's dango.

I'm trying to do them out on X and am having trouble.
If it's someone young.. well good luck.. I can't help them figgeting. Makes these things trickier. But I do have a tip for twisting them. Put the person in front of the mirror. That way they can make strange faces at themsleves and watch you. ehehe. Then take the hair as you are twisting them and put it like this:
Twist it in toward the part. from the far side over the top towards the middle. Clockwise for the right one. and counter for the left. Other than that good luck.

I can't understand X instruction. Please help.
Then follow the pictures. I put the pictures up there in a such a way that you could follow just the pictures or just the text to understand what was supposed to happen. I can't say anymore than that.. I can't explain any clearer. It seems that the majority out there understand what's supposed to happen. Perhaps you can have someone else read them for you and look at the pictures and do it to you.