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Renee's Method (SOS Link)
My Method (2ft for bun) Chibiusa/Chibimoon: Method 1 (3ft for bun) Chibichibi/Pink Kitten: Method 1 (3ft for bun) Method 2 (3ft for bun) Kousagi: See Shrine Edible
This site copyright 2007. Written content belongs to Hitsuji, layout by Mako-chan. Sailormoon is copyright all associated companies and the creator (of course), Takeuchi Naoko.
Dango Basic Recipe![]() Many thanks goes to my Japanese penpal, Alice-chan for the recipe (used with permission). Edited for amounts and content. This recipe is used with permission and may not be taken off of this site. Unless you know Alice-chan yourself.
Dango from Sailor Moon
Oh I nearly forgot! You asked me how to make dango! OK I'll tell you now !! ^_^. But are there the ingredients in your country? For example, "Shiratamako." (made of rice flour)? [ed. It's technically sweet rice flour] ![]() Materials:
Instructions: 1. Put the water into the pot and start it boiling. 2. Combine the water with the sweet rice flour. (It's best if you combine it slowly) You should get a dough that isn't too soft and is well combined. (sort of like hard bread dough) 3. Roll it into an dango shape i.e. sphere (warning: do not place on top of your head as it may leave rice flour in your hair) They should be about an inch across. 4. If the water is boiling let the balls of dango in gently with a spoon. I don't want you getting burnt from the splash. 5. Boil them long enough for them to float and then cook them for about a minute more. 6. Test one by cutting it in half. It should be cooked on the outside and sort of off-white in the inside. (Eat it now to check it, but don't eat them all before serving. You'll look like Usagi then.) If they are ready strain the dango. 7. No, don't put them on top of your head, put them on a bamboo skewer. About three to four each. Then serve with soysauce and/or sweet bean paste. 8. Now look out for Usagi and eat! Note: These don't store well or microwave well, so make what you are going to eat. By the way I have interesting news about "dango"! There is a song of "dango". The name is "Dango san Kyodai." It means "dango 3 brothers." The song is a children's song and very very popular in Japan! Have you ever heard this song? [note: I'm going to hunt down this song! Be sure of it! If you have any leads please give them to me and you'll get credit.]